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Brazil / Argentina : Car vs Plane

About how-to-get-to-Rio issue, I think it is crazy to go by car, hehe. I know some people do it, but it´s really far away from Buenos Aires and furthermore, those routes are truly unsafe. One of them is even called “La Ruta de la Muerte” (the Death Route), so it requires plenty of time and experience to get to know the route to drive it safely.

You can go to Rio by bus, there are experienced drivers, and I could find out about prices. Maybe it´s cheaper than getting by plane. This would be a map. Here the long distance buses are really good. (fortunately muuuch better than Greyhound, hehe)
You could make a stop at Iguazu Falls (in the border of Argentina and Brazil), or maybe further in Florianópolis or Porto Seguro. Spending a night in any of these places can be a good way to split the length of the bus trip. (this would be the map)

(I wouldn´t visit Sao Paulo: there are not as many interesting things to see there, it is one of the most unsafe cities of South America and the public transportation system is horrible for tourists.)

I also thought about flying to Florianopolis and then getting to Rio by bus could be a good option, but it is just the same. Getting to Florianópolis by plane is $273 (including taxes, around the dates of the Carnival), but you will have to pay for the bus to Rio, so it will be pretty much the same. Flight to Rio in the same dates with Gol Airlines is around $300 and Tam Airlines fare is around $333 dollars (279+taxes).

Anyway, closer to the date, we´ll be able to explore tourist packages prices that incluye accomodation and maybe carnival tickets. Here you have the current prices. Of course in February/March can be 50% more expensive.

I´m thinking that maybe if going to Argentina+Brazil gets too expensive, you could focus on Argentina (and maybe Uruguay) this time, and perhaps in a few years come again to these latitudes but focusing on Brazil. Of course I will join you there!

If you still want to see a Carnival, I could take you to Gualeguaychú Carnival (around 300 kms from Buenos Aires). I´m including more links and info about Gualeguaychu on the right bar.

If you choose to stay longer in Argentina (or focus on these borders only), we could do a Roadtrip (that I was kind of planning for next year). You can see the map here. This option would include a wide variety of landscapes and also our famous wineries.I will include a section about it on the right bar with all the info of the places I´m considering. ;)

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